Friday, November 8, 2013

Celebrate Success: Landing the Right New Job

Over the last couple of weeks, I have heard from four clients who have landed new positions. It's a great time to step back and celebrate with them and acknowledge all of their hard work. Three of my clients were not working and diligently focused on finding the best next step.  Two of the three had a background in the sales profession. One had left her sales position several months before and was targeting a new direction in the financial area, leveraging her love of numbers and customer skills, not an easy transition but one that she was committed to.  I supported her exciting goal. After many months she landed her "dream" job. And, it was through her resume posted on craigslist. She had a special approach to get noticed by prospective employers and not spammers.  It worked!

The second sales professional had moved to the Bay Area and was up against candidates who brought their books of business in local territory accounts. This talented individual knew she would come up to speed quickly and add value. She just needed her new employer to recognize this and invite her into this new territory. We worked on positioning her "differentiators" on her resume. She ended up taking a non-sales role where she will have the opportunity to prove her business development skills to this employer's sales team. It was a step back to get in and get noticed. I have no doubt she will "wow" them quickly.

The third client had worked at two leading edge companies in system IT roles. This client worked with me to revise his resume so that it marketed unique project management and solution generating skills. It took time but he has just landed a position at another leading edge company. He continues to have what I call a "resume" advantage.

The fourth client was working very successfully in sales but had targeted a move half way across the country. His commitment to our interview coaching and much more preparation behind the scenes  brought out his unique, competitive edge.  And, it paid off!  He will be starting in a new role at the new year.

There is a lot of hiring activity going on. So, stay connected, ask for help, surround yourself with a good support system, and keep your eye on the target.  You may also land your next role for the New Year!

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Have a great weekend!  And, watch for next week's Tuesday Tips.
Marianne   408-295-6656

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