Tuesday Tip: Focus on Strengths & Build Your Confidence
Whether it is writing your resume or preparing for an interview, being focused on your strengths and what sets you apart "in a good way" is going to make a difference. It brings up your confidence and reflects positively on your resume and during interviews.
Several weeks ago, I received an email from a recent college grad to say "Thanks for all your words of advice (that) gave me a great sense of confidence and I think that was evident during the interview
process." He landed a job in HR at one of the leading tech companies. I have a heart for assisting new grads, those soon to graduate, or those fairly recent grads who were hit by the downturn. It's been a rough 6 years when many grads who, in the past would have landed a job immediately after college, are still struggling to find the way into the right role and "catch up" so to speak.
My advice to the still lingering college grads and more experienced adult professionals who remain unemployed or under employed is choose your focus, leverage your strengths/talents and don't give up. Find your support system of people who know what you do well and keep them close at hand. We all have periods in our lives when others continue to point out our strengths and help us keep our confidence from completely dying out. My best friend has believed in me over the years and pointed out natural talents that no one else noticed. Aware of those, I've been able to leverage them in my marketing and often share stories about my own unique strengths and process to encourage my clients.
If you are struggling, no matter what your situation, reach out to those who believe in you; seek advice from wise and practical people; and, ask for positive feedback about what you do well. Even if it's been awhile since you've been able to land the right job and "shine," there is always a way to work former examples into a current resume and talk about your unique strengths confidently in an interview.
And, today, I received a note from a parent who said "just wanted to update you that (my son) has a new job ... (and is) doing Sales/Account Mgt. Your counseling put him on the right track!" I'm glad because that's what it's all about.
Marianne 408-295-6656
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If you are in a situation where you need assistance in getting into that right job or getting back into a role that makes you "shine," I'd love to assist. *
* I do sliding scale for those who need that assistance.