Sunday, April 28, 2013


The best advice that I can give you right now - enjoy the rest of your day. Stop thinking about work or job search and do something fun, creative, listen to music, take a walk. Follow the advice that I learned from William Bridges, world famous Organizational Development consultant and expert on transition - take the time to renew and do something different. You will be that much better engaged when you come back to your work tomorrow. So, with what's left of your day and the weekend - make it a Perfect ending. Go Enjoy Yourself!                                                

Marianne 408-295-6656

Monday, April 22, 2013


This week, I'm sharing a Fast Company article about how CEOs start their productive days. Remember, wee all do it differently depending upon our style and motivators. I work best in short bursts. This proves to be one of my most productive ways to operate. What about you? Discover what works best, honor your method, and have a great and productive week!                                                


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Many clients have asked about which questions they should prepare for the interviews. At the end, when you are so relieved to be finishing up and hoping you've nailed their interview questions, what do you ask the interviewer. Here's a recent article from Fast Company shared by my friend and colleague, Nancy. Hope you enjoy it!

Interview coaching can help you prepare. I'm here to support you, answer questions, and assist as needed. Have a great rest of the week           


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Look to Your Community 

Add to Your Resume

We are all so very busy. But, if you are looking for ways to expand  your resume,  I have an answer and it will only cost you time. Sign up  to volunteer. Or, join a local non-profit board or committee. You can add it to your resume immediately. This may also fill a gap or enrich the background you are presenting on your resume.

And, if you are trying to decide where to focus your time, look into one of your areas of interest or passion. I had the blessed opportunity to be on the founding board of a local music non-profit. So, as soon as I post this, I'm going to add it to my resume. Try this idea and you will be updating your resume in the very near future, too. And, here's an added value for you -  you'll be increasing your network and, I hope, having fun!

       Be well ~ Marianne  


Here's the music organization -